Garmin Connect Courses

One of the latest features of is the ability to plot a basic Course for your device.
Access is under the Course tab on the startup page. If you’ve a GarminConnect  login you will see the green CreateCourse button on the top right hand corner of your local map.
The Course plotting functions are very basic compared to other route/course planning sites. There is no facility to add Waypoints or Coursepoints  so in use you will not get any warnings at junctions.
If your a Garmin Edge 800 user you also need to turn on  the OffCourse warning other wise there is no warning if you go off Course.

In use your pretty much stuck on the map page as the only alert you are going to receive is when you go off Course. That is despite enabling CoursePoints on the Edge 800 Course settings page (the wrench or spanner icon).

I’m a bit disappointed  at the end of the day as Garmin have had a long time to get it right, this is what they do as a business. It’s a work in progress and at the moment the other web based Course planning sites have nothing to fear.

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4 thoughts on “Garmin Connect Courses”

  1. Hi

    I have a Garmin Edge Touring. My problem is that when I ride a saved course I don’t seem to be able to save the actual ride I have done, so I don’t have my ride data to upload to Garmin Edge. Is there a way to do this?



    1. Hi Stuart ,
      It sounds like you need to press Start along with the other options you see on the screen. If that is the case you should see “Paused” come up on the screen depending on your settings.
      The odometer should be clicking around as you ride also,

  2. I have planned several routes in Garmin connect. I want to export them as gpx to view in google earth path. Easy when they are an activity as there is export in the settings tab. But how do i export from courses

  3. When I initially saw this I thought it was my long awaited feature for which to get you course run distance instead of the the GPS run which always get off since you never run the perfect path. Turns out, courses are as useless as a watch in a clock store…… Dummest feature of any product I saw to date. In fact, gives me the envy to buy myself a Fidget Spinner which I always swore I wouldn’t ever lolllllll

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