Post Blog Shutdown

Hi folks, it’s not the end of the blogging universe but just a test to see what functionality I have left after  ending the WordPress expansions that I purchased.

The relationship with WordPress has been mixed, it’s a great site and is free. Wordadds paid for the site upgrades  until the advert revenue fell 90% last year.

Another nail in the coffin was the exclusion of <> which in my case was just an Strava widget. Requests for this were brushed off, If Blogger can do it why not WordPress?

This is after WordPress sent me an 8 year birthday card. I is unlikely to see 10 given their dismissive attitude.

So we will have to see how it goes, times change. The bike is on the back burner at the moment, it may come back but it’s not a certainty .

news, views and analysis about reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation

Nick's blog

A rubbish Cyclist trying to get better!


This site is the cat’s pajamas


The trials & tribulations of an obese cyclist.

Frank Kinlan's Blog

A weblog offering firsthand advice to the overweight looking to improve their health and lifestyle through cycling. A link to a pdf of the diet I am following is on the Diet under the About menu.

Going For 96

The Keys To Getting To 96? Everything In Moderation