Weekending 29 Aug 2010

Another none riding week with only the Eureka Anniverary Ride on Sunday.
The new Edge 800 got announced during the week and by all accounts looks good.
One problem that I forsee with it is the touch screen, it’s not going to work with a gloved hand if it relies on capacitance like an Iphone.
It’s going to be interesting to see if the “make you own maps “filters down to the 705 too.
Still unsure what’s happening at work but lots of square pegs being put into round holes.

Putting the Eureka ride into the Edge wasn’t a 5 minute job, “Turn right at red sign” is a bit obtuse when trying to plot a course on Google map based sites. I wouldn’t mind but I’ve ridden it before.
 The site has a new theme that I’m still playing around with.
A new Dummies guide is in the pipeline too.
More after the ride.
Eureka 81 Anniverary Ride: Desided to do the 81 mile ride to Holt and the 50 mile from Holt to the Eureka.
Swapped the Course with another rider at the Eureka using the ANT option. This was the first time I’ve tried it and it worked quite well. Takes a few minutes but gets there in the end.
Set off at a steady pace only to get passed by the guy I’d given the Course to.  Punctures were to play a part in the ride with the Liverpool Mercury having their first at Dunkirk.
Passed another two guys that had just repaired another. This was on the bit that drops down to the canal at the back of Chester Zoo. The climb up the back had me glancing back to see if I’d dropped them on the climb. I had but there was a loud bang from what must have been a pinch puncture exploding.
It started to drizzle with not much sign of it blowing over so it was was time to put the jacket on.  Just then the Northend steamed through, no stopping them.  The route turned out to be pretty good taking in Utkinton, Beeston and Fardon in a 38 mile stint. Stopping at the lights by the bridge at Farndon there is a shout as a large contingent of Liverpool Mercury screech to a halt behind us.
After the stop at Holt its time to head back on the 50 mile route as its blowing a gale.  About a mile out I rode over some glass with the inevitable puncture following.  There was quite a large cut in the tyre with the glass still in it which required a patch on the tyre.
Will have to see how it holds out or thats £35 down the drain. Lezyme pump was put to good use, getting up to a hard enough pressure that didn’t have that must put some more air in when I get home feel.
Got to Saltney Ferry bridge thinking the riders walking over it were soft only to dismount myself as the wind was that strong. Not only that, but as I dismounted it blew the bike sideways. There was discussion among the Liverpool Mercury about taking the Dee cyclepath, probably because no-one wanted to be stuck on the front doing 11 mph into a headwind. I opted to take the route back through Blacon and Upton and over the A5117.

Weekending 15 Aug 2010

Not much to report ride wise with too much going trying to get the house ready for central heating installation. The mess this makes is unbelievable, don’t let anyone tell you old houses have character they can be just as badly built as the modern stuff but without the benefit of building control.
Wednesday: Evening spinning class at the Oval, hot and as hard as you make it. Four first times in the class meant it was late starting.
Decided to forego the latest offer of redundancy ( I wouldn’t get it anyway) and ride out another recession.
Turned 51 last week and the thought of having to work another year until 66 or worse by the time this mob have finished does not appeal.
Thursday:  If you want to improve the suction of your Dyson by about 100% for no cost: Remove the washable filter. Sucks up most small debris until almost full and thats a lot of dirt. Motor is sealed against wear. People throw stuff away for less than this.
Finished the Bay Windows, looks great but I wouldn’t want to go through it again. A cheaper option  would propably be look just as good without the man hours involved.
Hot water tank removed so there is no going back.

Weekending 01 Aug 2010

Another slack week ride wise with Monday , Tuesday spent on the house.
Finally got out on Sunday and seeing I was about to see 50 out I’d chance my hand by going out with the Northend.
Not been out with them for over a year now and it shows.
The ride out to the Eureka was at 19mph with a tailwind  with the ride to the Saighton road race at a similar pace.
Fell off the back at Beeston on the climb from the Shady Oak to the bottom of Beeston Castle.
Got back on and then the ride headed back to the road race finish.
Headed back to Chester after the finish and was going to ride around the Roodee but it was closed as Chester races were on. It meant a trip through Chester to the Dee cyclepath coming off it to go through Blacon.
Stopped off at the Eureka for a drink and a chat. As it was still early  I headed back via the Missing Link only to find the Willaston to Hooton road closed to traffic.
More later…..



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