Time to call it a Day

Just had notification that its going to cost $99 to keep the blog going and frankly it a cost that I’m not willing to bear anymore.
Why blog when you have awesome stuff like Google Stories.
If you trust Google, and why wouldn’t you, enable auto upload and autoawesome on Google+ and take pictures of what matters in your life.
Google does the rest and the results can be spectacular.

Garmin should be ashamed of the level of the support they give for their devices but they have been surpassed by the likes of Google Maps. Get a smart phone and enable it. Live traffic data, if your in a jam turn to Google Maps to find out why. Sally Traffic on Radio 2 should be made redundant.


news, views and analysis about reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation

Nick's blog

A rubbish Cyclist trying to get better!


This WordPress.com site is the cat’s pajamas


The trials & tribulations of an obese cyclist.

Frank Kinlan's Blog

A weblog offering firsthand advice to the overweight looking to improve their health and lifestyle through cycling. A link to a pdf of the diet I am following is on the Diet under the About menu.

Going For 96

The Keys To Getting To 96? Everything In Moderation