Weekending 39 Nov 2009

Very mixed week with work and work on the house taking over. Managed to get out to the Eureka on Saturday which also confirmed when to pick up the new motor.
Mileage wise I’m well down on anything I’ve done for  the last few years but the weather has been awful to boot.
December isn’t going to be much better by the look of things  with me working all the holidays.

Just had a post from Clive about his blog he has started


It’s shaken me out of a rut that I was getting stuck in. That and seeing The Sunlight out towards Llandegla in the rain yesterday.
Another thing too was Paul telling me about the apps that he is developing for the Iphone and Android phones.

Weekending 22 Nov 09

Wednesday: Ride day. Severe weather warnings had me setting off late for the Eureka with only 3 other bikes when I got there.
About 2 hours late, damp from the indside but not soaked.
JJ told us about getting dropped by Barry and co at Loggerheads and then it was a ride back home via the marshes.
Called into see my mum, returned home with the lights on.
 Only 20 miles so phoned up for a spinning class at the Oval.
Did 20 minutes on the stationary cycle mountain program which was about 200 watts then the spinning class which was hard seeing I haven’t had as good a go as this for a while. Pulse got up to 185 and the HRM said 1250 cals for for the evening.
Gave the bike a wash after the ride as it looked like it needed one.
Thursday: Sort the house out day, still fitting the double glazing with the interior proving to be a major job. Should have followed up yesterdays session but it was not too be.
Friday:  Another  day on the house. Not as bad as it would seem as Andy from next door congratulated me on a goood job.
Saturday: Watch the track in Australia first thing or ride. Still got a bit to do on the windows.

Weekending 08 Nov 09

First off an update from Janet about Dennis and Mary’s condition.

Hello members and friends – I have been out at the cafe today. I am forwarding this newsletter. I will also take the opportunity to update you of the accident involving Mary and Denis Ellison, cyclists with Birkenhead North End.
Anne tells me that Denis and Mary were travelling the short distance from parking their car at the Capenhurst junction along the A540 towards the cafe at 9.30am on Wednesday 29th October. It seems that a high-sided box van travelling in the same direction hit Denis. Mary was following behind, also brought off. The wing mirror was in pieces so it was some impact. Both taken to Countess of Chester suffering severe pelvic injuries. Fortunately, they were wearing helmets. Denis has since been transferred to Leyton for specialist treatment. He is conscious and although very poorly, now off the critical list. Mary has internal complications that are still causing concern. 
Our thoughts are with them and their family. Those of you travelling on the A540 in the Two Mills area will notice the new Think Bike signs that went up on Thursday – one part of the campaign to improve safety on this notorious stretch. 
Best wishes
Secretary CTC Two Mills
Chester and North Wales
Went to the UCI World cup at the Velodrome arriving just to see the GB Pursuit team qualify for the final by taking 11 seconds out of everyone else. It was poetry in motion and set the scene for the rest of the day.
Only let down was Vicoria Pendleton coming 5th in the Keirin final but she made it hard for herself by sitting on the tail.
It was just too much to pull back all that distance.

Mens Pursuit Final was as good as it gets with Team GB lapping Spain and then finishing 1 second under their own World record.  Same goes for the womens Pursuit with a world Record being set.

During the interval there was an interview with the centre manager about what goes on at the velodrome. It was mentioned that the taster sessions are now booked up 3 months in advance but that they now do a spining class on the 16 Wattbikes they now have. Sounds like I’d have to give it go, never mind the calories or the heartrate, how many watts am I putting out.
Monday: Spinning class at West Kirby in the morning. My first for a while and I did get asked where I had been.
Had a bloody good go which equated to 775 calories. Heartrate was higher than I’ve seen for a while and a 100% effort had it up to 191 BPM which puts paid to the 220 minus your age theory (50 by the way, must get around to altering the site)
Gym for some weight machines, shower and a trip to see my mum.
Bought a Router Table from Aldi only to wish I hadn’t as it had no instructions. This led to another 2 trips back and a missed spin and gym at the Oval as I only had half the kit with me.
This allowed me to assemble the router table with the most basic of instructions, a google search revealed I am not alone. The Powercraft website being down didn’t help.
Tuesday: Spin and the gym planned, do a bit more around the house. Got to get back into a routine as the weight is slowly creeping back on.
Wednesday: Ride day.  60 miles which turned out to be very wet at the end. Rode out to the Ice Cream Farm were the Northend turned up. Returned via Chester (Bike Factory and Eureka Sports) to the Eureka late on. Not going to chance it any more on the best bike but keep to the winter trainer from now on.


news, views and analysis about reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation

Nick's blog

A rubbish Cyclist trying to get better!


This WordPress.com site is the cat’s pajamas


The trials & tribulations of an obese cyclist.

Frank Kinlan's Blog

A weblog offering firsthand advice to the overweight looking to improve their health and lifestyle through cycling. A link to a pdf of the diet I am following is on the Diet under the About menu.

Going For 96

The Keys To Getting To 96? Everything In Moderation