Weekending 23 Aug 09

Monday: Spinning class at West Kirby then the gym.  143 Km with the Northend on Saturday had me dropping off the back when the pace varied.
Started to get cramp if I came out the saddle near the end.
Ride was to Ellesmere and averaged about 18 mph.
Tuesday: Work
Wednesday: Course all day. Went to the Oval for a session in the gym before trying on of the Spinning sessions they now run. I’ll be looking at doing the late one after work as I haven’t been doing enough. First time I’ve done one of Sara’s classes and had to get used to a different routine and pace.
You can teach an old dog new tricks as she added a new twist to the inner thigh stretch all the classes do at the end.
667 Calories.
Thursday: Work
Friday: Work
Saturday: No ride, faffed around. Off for 12 days with the Wild Wales coming  next Sunday.
Sunday: Jack day, walked along the river Dee at Chester.

Etape 2009 8480

These are the pictures from Maindru the event photographers. I’ve got to admit I am well impressed with them.


This one is the favourite one, but I’ve another one with the Tom Simpson Memorial in the background that I’m still awaiting.

Didn’t know if this one would turn up as a rider stopped right in front of the guy. Great positioning to get the tower in shot.




Must be near the summit as I’m smiling, I wasn’t smiling in the forest more like nearly in tears.



An earlier Col,  generally the photographer sat in the road and you could go either side. Really impressed with the detail on the Ventoux one you can see the barcode lines of the frame number.


STI Etape Coach Trip Rogues Gallery 2009

First a link to the Facebook pictures of the group.



Along with the Maindru Thumbnails I’ll put other trip pictures up once I’ve upgraded my Flickr account as I’ve run out of free space.

If I’ve missed someone let me know. These were the numbers off the riders bikes in the basement of the hotel. Thanks to Maindru for the great pictures they took, most should be pleased. I only had one number with no pictures.
Feel free to add names to pictures as I only remembered a few.

Weekending 09 Aug 09

Monday: Work, need to get back out doing something. Website crashesmean just getting back up and running is taking time. Warning light issue on Polo means I’ve had no brake lights for a couple of days but it looks like an ECU fault from the manual.
Tuesday: Work. Brake light switch problem resolved last night, fine this morning. Could have been expensive. A ruck of 705 comments to reply to and facebook has just been updated with the STI Etape ride pictures.
Wednesday: Work. Last day. Etape pictures from Maindru have arrived and they are good.
Thursday: Work. Lost an Etape picture with the Tom Simpson Memorial on it which is bad news.
Friday: More work. Still haven’t rescued that picture yet and it doesn’t appear on the CD. Going to be a bad week for rides this week as I’m in work Saturday too.
Saturday: Work. Spent more time trying to rescue the Simpson Memorial photo.
Sunday: Eureka for breakfast and then home as it’s a Jack day.
Ended up fixing a laptop power socket which meant a trip to Maplin at Cheshire Oaks. The repair went ok but was a bit of a struggle to get it apart and back together.
Paul upgraded the WordPress version so all I need now is a decent theme.
Had a look at the Tour pictures so I should really do another post now thing have settled down.


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A rubbish Cyclist trying to get better!


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The trials & tribulations of an obese cyclist.

Frank Kinlan's Blog

A weblog offering firsthand advice to the overweight looking to improve their health and lifestyle through cycling. A link to a pdf of the diet I am following is on the Diet under the About menu.

Going For 96

The Keys To Getting To 96? Everything In Moderation