Deja-Vu. Pressing lifes reset button for a second time!

Well where do I start? Nearly back to square one but not quite. The weight, high blood pressure and a fondness for alcohol returned with a vengeance.

Not all at once but a gradual regression to the bad old self. This time it was a prescription review and blood test that caught up with me. Raised Liver Function test  after a short time of abstinence had me on a repeat blood test which I had today.

Weight wise it started off good with Dry January kicking in straight away with a few kilo’s of weight loss and then it plateaued. Something had to be done so it was back to the gym after a long absence. It seems to have done the trick and I think I’m back on track.

It’s meant a complete new gym kit and it’s going to be a while before I tackle a spinning class again. I’ve also fallen out of love with the Bike having spent nearly a year off it at least. I’ve stopped using a Garmin, forgone using a helmet (if a car’s got my name on it, a few ounces of polystyrene is going to help me) prefer shoes that I can walk in.

This time I’m on my own and the first target is to loose 10Kg with the second target 20Kg. Today’s stationary cycle was 30 minutes @ 100watts which was 130kCal, it’s a start. Diet wise it’s probably not ideal but I’m not a rabbit.

I’ll post some figures when I get around to it.



7 thoughts on “Deja-Vu. Pressing lifes reset button for a second time!”

  1. Hey Frank, keep at it there. It’s tough I know especially as you remember all the previous hard work that you feel you wasted to get back to this point.
    I am going through the same thing myself having a very poor year following a fall late 2016 when I was in form. Now it’s clawing my way back from the slough of 2017. Good excuse for more kit, investigating Zwift, Wahoo as alternatives to the big G etc so it has reawakened the nerd side again so that’s “good”.

    You’re a bit of an inspiration to me, so slog through, and you’ll look back at this time as an aberration.

    1. Thanks, Pat. I’ve resorted to swapping the Brookes saddle between bikes now as it’s the only thing my backside can tolerate at the moment
      I think the hardest part has been cracked and that is the “Mental” side of it.
      I know from the first time the more I do the better I get and the better I get the more I can do.

  2. Hi Frank
    Keep up the hard work, similar situation down here in Tasmania. Lost the plot and ate , drank and sofa’d myself to 122kg!
    Took a huge shock and some pain to get me moving again but I’m back. 22kg dropped since August approx. 29kg more to go. The bike is a stranger but will get dusted off soon and I’ll get back to riding.

    Don’t lose faith that you will get there



    1. Thanks Chris. I’ve been here before so there are no surprises this time around. At 100 kg I treated myself to a new Trek Madone and never looked back. I was on it all the time. Still got it and it’s still a great bike. 82 Kg is a long way off and probably never obtainable by myself again.

  3. I’ve also been struggling a little with my weight over the last year. It creeps up and cycling extra miles seems a chore.

    The feeling of my clothes getting tight stops me getting any bigger but I think I’m getting back on track. I’ve set myself a big mileage target for this year and my wife is also losing weight so I have some support at home. I need to lose at least 10 kg to get back to the safe zone. That may not seem a lot to some but it’s a lot considering how long I’ve stayed within my target zone.

    I’m glad to see you’re getting there slowly and sharing your this on your website will help you get encouragement and support from others who have been there or are going through the same right now.

    All the best and let us know how you get on.

    1. Thanks Toby, 10 years down the line all those NHS and Council courses are just a distant memory. Closed down through lack of funding I suspect. Even the British Heart Foundation seems to have gone off on a tangent.
      So where you would get the advice that was taught to me over 12 weeks I just don’t know anymore.

      Latest toy is a Wahoo TickrX HRM as most of the machines in the gym seem to communicate with it (or should). I seem to have got off to a good start, I’ll keep you posted.

  4. Hi Frank – how are things you are a bit of legend. I’ve cycled round the Wirral a few times recently thinking of you! Let us know how you are doing!

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