Mens Health Magazine Jan Feb

When I was doing the google searches Mens Health magazine kept coming up in all the searches too. I’ve looked at the cover and most of it seems to be about something I’m interested in.
Its placed in the Mens Magazine section in Tesco,s slap bang in the middle of the Lads magazines (Loaded, GQ) and the Gay Times so reading the thing in the shop is out of the question. Either way your typecast by other shoppers. The male models in the adverts probably feature in the later magazine.

The Jan/Feb issue comes with a two section paperback book that is well worth the cover price alone. Half of it is titled “Weight Free Workout” and the other half is titled “Turn Fat Into Muscle” both edited by Joe Kita. The weight free workout would suit many as you don’t need any equipment. I’m going to give it a try to see how I get on.

The magazine isn’t bad either decent articles on health , exercise and nutrition. Fashion is a bit subjective and probably pads the magazine out. There is even  before and after pictures of a bloke thats lost nine stone. You’d need to offer me more than a Sony MP3 player to get before and after pictures of me.

There are some interesting facts about new years resolutions in the mag mainly 50% will have dropped them by March and the gyms will be empty again. Mine is stay below 88 Kg.

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